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Hey Rick,

I just did another one last night.

I get the shank hams from Smithfield,or the ones on sale.

I inject with some apple juice and no salt seasonings.

Score it lightly,mustard,and rub.

Set it on the middle rack,apple wood,215�-225� overnight.

It hits 190� about 12 hrs later and you can pull it like a butt.

If you want slices,take it to about 140�+ and it is done.Smithfield says 148�,but if you foil and let it rest awhile-it will get there.

That just takes about 3 hours.

Once again,watch the salt while you are cooking the salt water out of it.

We don't glaze,but mix with a little apple juice as we pull it.

Pineapple juice[if you like it] is interesting ,also.
Originally posted by Tom:
[qb] Set it on the middle rack,apple wood,215�-225� overnight.

It hits 190� about 12 hrs later and you can pull it like a butt.

I see questions all the time whether you can cook ham to the upper temp range and pull it like you would butt. I tried it once and decided there wasn't enough fat to make it work, but after reading your post I'm going to give it another try.

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