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Hey Guys and Galls , its Chris again and im needing some answers for this type of coocking style...can anyone give me a dirrection to run in as aposed to the hmmmmm Confusedstyle of cooking im at know? Do you cut the chicken in half prior to the cook or do you cook the chicken and then cut him in two pieces just after the cook? Is 2 hrs. 15 minutes seem to be to long or am i in a bad way for timimg? 275* is the tempi cook whole a half chickens.... look forward to your answers.... this is all icba and i just want to be sure i do this right! Chris J
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I get a LOT of comments from IBCA teams thanking me for brining 101 (seems it helps poultry).

Do some practice and keep it mind, it takes a LONG time to judge IBCA and they use knives and forks. It's judged twice. First just to get to the final table, then at the final table it's compared to all the others.

So do some tests, cook it, let it sit 30 min then just with a plastic knife and fork.
Originally posted by smokin yankee:
Thanks guys i will run some tests this weekend , i have never tried to do chicken that way. When the chicken is done soaking do you cut the bird in half at that point or after the cook is done?

You have to be REAL REAL good with your knife skills. If you cook it whole and cut, you don't want to screw up the 1/2 your turning in by bad cutting.

Definitely practice if you're doing that.
ICBA judging gives only one score from 1 to 10 based on appearance, taste, texture (judged the same way that chili is judged). The turn in is 1/2 chicken and, depending on the contest may require 2 each 1/2 chicken. The judging is done in prelim, 1/4, 1/2 and finals table and can take as much as two hours. Each table of judges, 6 or more, (off the street and no paticular requirements) are give some number of entries (6 or more. Usually more entries than judges) to judge. They are given a knife and fork and told how much they can sample. They must use a new knife and fork for each entry. Scores from the table are tallied and half of the entries move to the next round. A new set of judges (off the street) are seated and it begins again.

The only feed back to the cooks is if you make the finals table and sometimes, if you ask, what numbers were disqualifed.

Good luck.
Chris It looks like the contest you are preparing for should have 20 teams total
So two rounds of Judging
Out here we have a wonderful group of CBJs that help Judge these smaller events also
So you will get good scoring
Cook half chickens and wait 45 min to eat it
You maybe surprized by the results

Look forward to meeting you there

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