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Hi Doc!

That is a pretty popular technique on the BBQ circuit. At MIM contests, most of the best teams inject(at least the dozen or so I am familiar with).

Those cooks look to sweeten the inside meat. Here is a recipe from a couple years ago for a pork butt injection.

A few draw backs to injecting.......

It can discolor the meat if you have dark liquids.

It may leave needle "tracks", which will be loaded with the spices that did not dissolve. If you bite into one of these tracks...the flavor is overpowering.

To avoid the track marks, try to dissolve your spices by first, powdering...grind as fine as possible.....and then, heating in the liquid marinade. These 2 things will help to dissolve some of the spices.

One last thing, inject as soon as you can and let it sit, preferrably overnight. This will help to disperse the injection.

Pork Injection Marinade

1 cup Apple juice or cider
1/4 cup Cider vinegar
1/4 cup Water
2 tablespoon(s) Worcestershire sauce
1 1/2 teaspoon(s) Pork rub
2 tablespoon(s) Corn syrup

Powderize the rub using a mortar and pestle or wheat grinder.
Inject into pork butts. This will make enough to inject 1, 8lb. pork butt.

Don't worry, Smokin'....I will post this over in the recipe may already be there somwhere.

To tag onto what Stogie shared about MIM teams,they have to inject to get flavor at on site judging.

They show their shoulder to the judge,while it is on the pit.

They don't have the luxury of pulling the shoulder or butt and then seasoning before eating,like we do.

This is not a reson not to inject,just the need many of them have.

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