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Went to the local Sam's to pick up some prime rib for a smoke this weekend. Was looking through the meat counter and found in the whole rib roast counter there were 5 miss priced rib roasts at brisket prices. I thought it was too good to be true but loaded 2 into my cart at $20-25 rather than $90-100. Feeling that my approach wasn't quite right I went up to the window looking for some assistance from the cutter, took one of the regular priced and one of the mis-marked packages and asked if this was in error. He quickly grabbed the under priced package from my hand and I then shared with him that there may be more packages in the counter. A simple thank you from him would have caused enough guilt to have him re-price the packages in my cart, but because in his three times passing me to correct the other package pricing he didn't even acknowledge anything, I bought the 2 I had. Maybe I should have bought them all - maybe I shouldn't have bought any but I did smoke on the cheap last weekend 1/2 of an 18+ pound rib roast with 27 more pounds to go.
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I was in a local supermarket the other day picking up some chop-meat for beef jerky. All the packages were in the 1 lb range. I notice some in the top counter and they were marked in the 2 lb range. Stange that both the 1 lb & 2 lb packages felt about the same weight. I brought this to the attention of 1 of the butchers, and he said he would take care of it. I returned about 5 min later and nothing had been changed, so I paged the Store Manager at C/S. If I ever see a mis-priced item in my favor, I will now use it to my advantage. You did nothing wrong, how many times have we all been overcharged when they don't charge us the sale price!
Since all the WalMart entities practice the most ruthless business practices starting with the first time they stick a shovel in the ground to build a store and continuing with their product purchasing procedures, I won't go in one.

If somehow I caught them in a mistake, I would figure that they had whatever it cost them coming.

Sorry, just a hot spot of mine.
my feeling is this
since walmart has been guilty of many unfair labor practices and runs the little guy out of business, not to mention that here all of their meat is 10% injected you didnt do anything wrong.
i used to correct cashiers but as their wages went down i dont anymore. if the employeer wants to pay substandard wages then mistakes come with that territory.
i feel so strongly about it that at age 51 i got my 1st tattoo. it is a black star of anarchy to commenerate what happened in seattle and the wto meeting, a red human liberation fist to commemerate my native american great grandmother and a canine liberation fist in my greyhounds two colors. the walmart thing affects me as veteran like japanese cars affect my guadacanal vet seabee dad. I HATE IT AND IN THE END THEY WILL DESTORY THIS COUNTRY!!!
ps i feel much better now Big Grin
I agree with most states of mind but not that Wal-Mart is destroying this country or is somehow against American Veterans. I wish I had started out when and how Sam Walton did and I would be the dead billionaire now, chattin it up with St. Peter and smilin down on my grandchildren.
All I can say about Wal-Mart is that in my area they have some of the best meat most of the time. They also have the best price most of the time, sometime you can get better prices form Winn Dixie and other stores..But I wonder if Wal-Mart was not in the area giving the big chain food stores some compition, what would there prices be. IMO if you have the best prices and the best quality, you should get the business, if you don't, you don't

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