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Hello guys & gals, long time lurker, also a woodburner for now. some catering and a lot of competition bbq and chili cookoffs. always looking for recipes for anything. the cook for all the partys. just love to smoke anything. saving my money to find Andi, think I'm in love, but looks like I'm standing in a long line. Roll Eyes
Ken here...
Wanna say that in the few months that I've been coming to this forum, it has been an extemely educating, and tasty experience. Big Grin

I never get tired of reading all the new ideas for doing Q, and improvements on the old ways.

And God knows I NEVER get tired of eating Q.

Ya got me hooked.. Smiler
I'm Jake, work for Union Pacific Railroad in Salt Lake City, Utah. I had the pleasure of working with many out of counrty visitors during the 2002 Winter Olympics and was able to feed some of them on good old "Q" and Dutch oven food that we are famous for out in these parts. Active in family, church, Qing, Dutch ovening and ham radio in that order.
Hi, I'm Paul, now from Southern California.

I got to be real partial to bbq when my wife and I lived in Houston and traveled to Austin and the nearby Hill Country. Up until October, I was just a specialist -- I only ate. I never smoked and hadn't grilled in decades. When my sister-in-law's boyfried said he was getting a smoker, I figured it was time for me too. And for me, Cookshack seemed ideal. The Los Angeles Times food critic's very positive review about his experiences with his Smokette led me to the Cookshack website.

I've had my Smokette about a month, and I'm happy with the results of my efforts. (pork butts, brisket). This website is so very important. I appreciate all the hints, help, recipes, humor, and efforts of people who post here. My thanks to you all. (My friends who are eating all the food I'm smokin' thank you too!)
I bought myself a Smokette a couple of years ago. I liked it so well that I bought my Dad one too. We both go in cycles, use like crazy then take a break for a while. Love the forum and all of the good advice. We're
both in central Illinos, pops is semi retired and I am an operations manager for a large company. Gettin ready to make some Canadian bacon and two turkey breasts this week.

See you soon,


I just skimmed through this thread, and it has been over a year since I posted in the Roll Call.

And guess what? I,m off to New Jersey again in the morning for Thanksgiving. Just in time for a snow-storm up there. Leaving Tampa when the weather is as nice as one could want.

Hello to all the newbies- I know you will enjoy your Cookshacks and the forum as much as I do.

Have a nice Thanksgiving you all. I'll be lurking on my daughter's computer in the Northeast and trying to keep warm. Roll Eyes
Hi there, as you may tell from the moniker, I live in Idaho, the northern panhandle, squinched between Spokane, Washington and Missoula, Montana. Just got my first smoker from the wife for Christmas, a Smokette, and have already smoked three batches of jerky, two salmon, and am prepping for 10 pounds of baby back ribs tomorrow for dinner.

I am an Aries, into cultural sensitivity, rainbows, Ms. Cleo, Bob Ross and puppy dogs...NAH Just kidding, I am stoked (pun intended) about smokin. My gig is technology sales management, I have been in the tech game for 15 years and hope someone acquires my company so I can retire on the stock options.

This board has been extremely helpful with regard to recipes tips and guys just flat out rock.

Thanks much, I look forward to a fleet of Cookshack smokers somewhere down the road.
Dr. Mac here. Don't know if anybody will read this since I didn't see the post until there were already three pages of posts. I'm a lurker on the forum & I'm somewhat of a newbie to using a cookshack smokette. I've smoked & barbequed food for several years, but only recently invested in a smokette. I've done canadian bacon, four racks of ribs, a couple chickens, & some deer jerky in my smokette. I've had it for less than a year. I've always used an old refrigerator with a hot plate as a smoker before I got the smokette. Still use my refrigerator smoker for large batches, but the thermostat on the smokette sure is handy!!
Jim here, got my cookshack today at my local Carbelas. It's out on the porch seasoning now. have some sam's ribs rubed and in the frig. Been lookin at buying a good smoker for a while. Have a big chief I have used the last couple of years but It's not designed to be used the way I was trying to use it. (rapped in a insulating blanket to get the temp up.) Wife got deployed the the gulf with her Nat. Guard unit so I had some extra cash. Can wait till I can try it tommorrow. Smiler
Howdy all,

Got a WSM two weeks before Christmas and have really been enjoying it. Found your group as a result of the TVWB group...and joined your's also. Two heads are better than one! Am enjoying and learning from both groups and I must say have never seen a two finer groups of people that are willing to pass on their knowledge to us young pups just starting out.
good evening gents,my name is paul & I am a lurker. I have learned a great deal, thanks to all. I have an offset & a pellet grill, bought a cs almost a year ago,the winters are so cold in western nebr, the months without Q were causing withdrawl. liked the cs so well used it all summer. Happy New Year to all!
How's everyone? Pete here. Found this site last spring and it has helped me greatly !!!!! I live in Victor N.Y. ( near Rochester). Love Q'in, my parents are from Germany where they smoke EVERY meat and fish possible, I love it. Married with 5 kids, 22,21,19,19,17. They all love going to our local BBQ joint in Rochester the Dinosaur Bar-B-Que, good food and drink with a great variety of both. Also has jazz bands (and plenty of Harleys outside in the summer). Thanks to Smokin and everyone for all the help.Hey if anyone out there hasn't tried smokin a whole bologna give it a shot, it's the bomb !!!!!!!!!!!!!! Pete Smiler Wink Razzer

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