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My new model 50 just came in the mail Big Grin . I put 3 chunks of hickory in it to season it... I hope it works. (keeping fingers crossed). Well typical me... leap before I look, I had used a smokette before but i was worried about not being able to fit larger, whole cuts of meat and being the red blooded food loving American that I am, I got the biggest one I could afford!! Well anyway, I was reading on the forum about large temperature fluctuations in the larger smokers with light loads and I was wondering if putting some clay tile in the 50 to help even the temperature out like I do in my oven at home would help? Any ideas would be really appreciated, I cant wait till midnight .. I'm gonna smoke everything that aint nailed down! Razzer
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You're welcome.

Comes from being an ol' KY hillbilly.

"If'n it ain't broke,don't fix it".

I appreciate the enthusiasm and the attention/interest for detail,but sometimes we start fixing things that aren't broken.

After the long posts,by interested folks,it seems like about 99% of the Cookshacks work just like they are designed to -right out of the box.
But come on guys, a good portion of the fun of owning stuff is trying to figure out how it works and how to make it work better. What's the harm in: Putting in some tiles, opening the door, mopping, measuring smoker temperature, etc. etc.? Personally, I'd try it out first per directions. Then, maybe I'd try something different and compare the results. If it didn't work better, I certainly wouldn't blame the smoker. And I think there's a lot of value in discussing these sort of ideas here: What works, what doesn't work, how, and why.

Now don't get me wrong here. I certainly subscribe to the idea that a properly maintained and operating CS will give excellent results without further tinkering.
yep tjr

That'a why I prefaced with" try it first and then reinvent the wheel,if it doesn't work".

The one other thing that happens may be that we spend so much time ponderin' before we do the cookin',that we don't get around to the cookin'.

Kinda like folks told me with my first computer"push some buttons-you won't break nothin"


Smokin' used to say,back when,that with many other cookers you had a lot of outright failures.

Many of us have agonized over the purchase decision and then we want to do it exactly "right".

With a CS,they are almost always edible.

If we cook two butts,a month apart with a couple of changes,we can think of differences.

Then, cook 100 over the next month and they all pretty much average out.[Good]

I guess my thoughts are to trust your acquisition judgement to be correct and go ahead and enjoy the cooking.

How's that KCBS cookoff in Louisville looking for this summer?

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