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What little effort I have to expend to produce a bbq product (pulled pork) that people will go absolutely nuts over.

Case in point was yesterdays annual 4th of July celebration at my brothers camp. Lots of people -a massive pot-luck type of affair.

My time expended on providing a pulled pork picnic shoulder, which lasted about 2 hours on the table before being reduced to nothing.

- food prep (sprinkling some rub on it) - 5 minutes.

- smoker prep (foiling, adding wood to box) - 5 minutes.

- moving food to smoker/inserting thermometer - 5 minutes.

- removing food from smoker, wrapping in foil, putting in cooler. - 5 minutes

- removing foil from smoker, wiping clean. Washing rack - 5 minutes

- removing from cooler, pulling. - 5 minutes.

There we have it - 30 minutes. Not bad at all.
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I couldn't agree more. I've had an 008 since mid May and the barbecue I pull out of it is astounding for the "effort" that goes into it. Over the weekend we had company so I put a couple 5 pound pork butts in at about midnight, pulled them out mid afternoon the following day and served it up. After listening to the raves as to how good it was, I decided to keep my mouth shut as to how easy it is to make great BBQ, and instead humbly accepted the tall, cold, brown bottles being offered in tribute.
My only complaint is that if you don't cook about twice as much as you think you will need you wind up not getting any thing to eat yourself. I did a 7 3/4 butt for the 4th and I had to reheat some ribs I fixed the day before so I could have something to eat, that pork went in nothing flat. The ribs would have to but I did not tell anyone that I had them Big Grin
Originally posted by GMUSSER:
[qb] My only complaint is that if you don't cook about twice as much as you think you will need you wind up not getting any thing to eat yourself. [/qb]
That's why I got a 50 now. My wife always gave one 1 rib to her dad so I would barely have enough to last for my lunches at work for a week, or have enough for dinner one night.

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