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My butts seem slower than other people's. I've had an 8 lb'er in for 15.5 hours now. 6 of that @ 200 degrees. The rest at 225 degrees. The current internal temperature is still only 182. Anyone else experience similar times? It took me 16 hours to bring a 5 lb'er to 195 degrees (225 cooking the whole time) earlier this week.

Question: Do any of you have a way to finish off a butt more quickly? This thing is due to be on the table in 3.5 hours, and I'm guessing it might be up to 190-195 by then.

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It ended up reaching 195º on-time, so I pulled it, and let it sit for about 20 minutes. Not the perfect scenario, but still very good.

It ended up taking a total of 21 hours to get the 8 lb Butt to 195º. I guess this is why y'all are always telling us to take notes, huh?
Originally posted by Heavy Doody:

It ended up taking a total of 21 hours to get the 8 lb Butt to 195º. I guess this is why y'all are always telling us to take notes, huh?

... And that's why our guru of smoke, Bordeaux of butts and tickler of ribs says "It's done when it's done!" I think we all agree Big Grin
My first one seemed to take longer than everything else I've read too. It was 16 hours to 195º, and it was only 5 lbs.

I wonder if the altitude changes things. I don't hear a lot of others going 3 hours/lb.

It's not a big deal. I don't mind it taking longer. So far it seems consistent, which I'm happy about.
Heavy Doody,

My 2 cents to offer on this albeit a little late!!!

I think altitude can definitely make a difference and you may need to do a little research on this issue. Also the time per pound for a smaller piece of meat is often longer than for a larger piece, (i.e. 5 lb. butt might be 2.5 hrs/lb and an 8 lb. but might be 2 hrs/lb.)

Your total time did not seem that far off to me. What was off was planning your times with too tight of a schedule. Next time start earlier to allow yourself more time and plan on wrapping and holding in a cooler for the resting period and to take up any slack time before pulling and serving. Also much less stressful that way.

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