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Well, I had my first try at smoking ribs in my CS this weekend. Three really nice racks (7 or 8 lbs total.) 4 oz of hickory and one Kingsford briquette for color. I sprayed with apple juice at 3 1/2 hr, too. 225 degrees and 4 hrs and forty five minutes later, a bit dry and a bit oversmoked. I went so long because I wanted the meat to be falling off the bone. Still edible bt not what I had hoped. I guess you can oversmoke in a Cookshack. I wish I could blame it on the cooker.

Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Tjr as soon as I figure out how to get to my private messages for your address, I'll put your pecan in the mail. Also Mainely Dave, send me your address . I've got some oak for you.

Keep on smokin,

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hook: Agree that 4 oz was a lot... try a little less, then watch for when the ribs seem done -- pulling back from the bone, and the last rib ready to be pulled off the rack. Then just pull out, double wrap in heavy foil, and throw into a cooler for 30 min to several hours. will still be hot, and more tender the more time goes by
Originally posted by Utah Jake:
[qb] Remeber.....2 Oz. per 10 pounds of meat. [/qb]
First time I've heard that. Why only 2 per?

The amount of wood will vary with the item cooked. Briskets and butts can handle a heavier smoker and poultry needs less. Also the type of wood will have an effect.

Just curious, interesting idea, but you know me and "rules" Big Grin
I use 4oz for 2 racks of ribs (pork ribs) and they come out fine. However, everyone's taste for smoke differs, but I haven't had any complaints.

Also, everytime I've done ribs (and I've done alot of ribs) they never come out in less than 6 hours, and that's at 225. I do use rib hooks from Cookshack, they work great.

I don't foil, and I never open the door to spray with apple juice. I just let em go and they come out tender, almost falling off the bone, and not dry at all. I think opening the door you're letting all that moisture out.

Anyway, that's what works for me.


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