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After having used both bullet water smokers and an offset for a number of years, I decided to try the Cookshack model 009. Thermostat control and no fire maintenance sounded really appealing! I was also very pleased with the heavy construction & quality of the Cookshack product.

Anyway, the christening took place last night. I brined two 3lb whole chickens, halved them and placed on the top rack of the Smokette. Set temp to 225 and had a cable thermometer in place to monitor internal temp of chix. I was not using an extension cord.

The Cookshack cooking guide suggested this might take approx 3-4 hours which sounded feasible to me based on my experiences with my other smokers.

At five hours the internal temperature of the chicken was only at 150 (and it had been stalled and plateaued there for over an hour.) It got too late and I had to work early the next morning so I pulled them and finished in the kitchen oven (abomination I know) until they reached 180.

In the end, I was really happy with the appearance of the birds, and the smoke flavor was just right! However, I am a little curious about the duration of the BBQ time.

My guess is that I would have been looking at 6 plus hours had I been able to ride it out. And that would be fine as I am used to 10 hour butt cooks, but I am just wondering if that is what others in the forum are experiencing for cooking times with chicken halves.
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Hi Dave, I guess I need to do some troubleshooting then. Perhaps I should try the middle (or lower rack). I will also check the temperature inside the cooking chamber after it has been running for 90 minutes or so to verify I am actually in the 225 degree range.

I was able to verify that my temperature probes were accurate so that was not the issue. . . I did not open the door of the cooker once for the first 5 hours either. Puzzling. . .

Don't be surprised when you take an oven temperature and find that it can fluctuate greatly (and I mean +/- 40 or 50)around that 225 mark. Its just the way it operates.

I don't have any experience with chicken, but feel like smaller amounts of meat seem to take a lot longer than I would expect. Larger cuts operate truer to my expectations, but even then, it seems to take longer than any of the times that you will find in the manual.
Thanks Andy. Despite the unexpected cook duration on my trial run, the chicken was perfectly smoked and was very delicious.

I tested the running temperature of the cook chamber and just as you predicted, the swings were +/- 40 degrees (favoring the higher temp swings). It was a worthwhile exercise and I am not concerned about the fluctuations, I was just happy to see that I was indeed hitting 225.

This Saturday I will be running about 10lbs of babybacks through and will allow for a few hours extra cooking time in case they take longer than I expected.
Hippie - I'm still thinking it didn't seem right either, but am willing to suspend my anxiety until I have used the Smokette a couple more times.

One thing worth noting perhaps: I had all four chicken halves on one rack, being sure to leave an inch of free space around the side walls and front and back as the guide suggested. Maybe I overcrowded the rack?

I will proceed with the ribs I planned to smoke this weekend and keep taking notes in a journal. I typically make my own rubs and sauces, but I have applied the Cookshack rub that shipped with the cooker and will give that a shot!

I am expecting 4-6 hours for 3 full racks and will add to this thread after the weekend with my results. All the feedback is really helpful. Thank you. . .
Be sure the drain and vent holes are completely unrestricted and you have a full size hole punched in the bottom foil. After a few cooks, the Smokette will have a better door seal also. Another thing is the foil on the smoke box might be blocking heat and reflecting it down if it is not tucked under. Only foil the lid or top of the wood box and tuck under the edges. Try the chicken on the lowermost rack next time on 250.

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