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Readers of the Rosengarten Report were introduced in the latest issue to sources in the US where KOBE style beef is available. One such source, Arrowhead Game Meats (Kearney, MO 816-628-2099; offers KOBE brisket for $2.95 per pound (some of the steaks sell for as much as $150/lb...). I ordered one just to see. It came well packed and unfrozen at around 10 lbs, untrimmed, with a nice layer of fat on top. I put a quick all purpose cajun style rub on and put it in the cookshack (I cut it into two pieces to fit my unit) at 225 degrees until done - 195 on the thermometers. Took about 12 hours in hot (for Minnesota) weather.

This was, without doubt, one of the best meals I have ever had. The meat was unbelieveably tender, juicy and awesomely disicious. If you want to try brisket on a whole new level (albeit more expensive), by all means give this a try.
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Kobe beef comes from province in Japan of which Kobe is the captal. The beef comes from ancient stock of cattle called "kuroge wagyu" (black haired Japanese cattle). They are raised on only 262 small farms the largest of which only raise 10-15 animals. Each one is pampered. Diets are strictly controlled and during the final fattening process, cattle are fed large quanities of sake and beer mash. They also get daily massages. If only they knew they are going to end up in a CS smoker!!!! While I smoke on my CS, I also feed my self large quanities of budweiser!!! Still can't talk the wife into the massage part while cooking.

Looked at the website just for fun. While the meat is $2.95 a pound, it appears that if you live in California you would have to add another $74.00 in packing and shipping to a 10 pound brisket. I've eaten Kobe beef (once), it's good but shipping sure would make it expensive.

Just a couple of thoughts.

A brisket used to be uncookable and was usually ground for hamburger.

In the NE folks have been known to make pot roasts,corn them,and then smoke to make pastrami.

Cookoffs require them,because maybe it is the toughest cut to cook correctly.

Fine bbq cooks learned to cook them,so they cut like tenderloin.

Cookshack developed it's first cooker to make brisket cooking reasonable.

I can agree that in a steak,or loin,cut grades of beef,and some lines,make a nice difference.

Good cooks can cook $0.75 brisket.

My early mentor would tell me to learn to cook a cut of meat well,and you can cook any level of it .

Just a thought.

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