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Cooking for 80 high school football players and 20 coaches. Trying to figure out portions. Heres the menu,

Baby Backs
Chicken breast

Potato Salad

Cooking all the meat on my wonderful new FEC100, 3 mos old...Man I cooked 4 turkeys for thanksgiving and they were awesome. Anyways, NOTHING LIKE TEXAS HIGH SCHOOL FOOTBALL AND WONDERFUL BBQ. Here is what I have in my freezer so far. 1 case of briskets..7 briskets total...2 cases of Babybacks, 36 slabs, 10 lbs of sausage and 36 chicken breast. Is this enough for large growing young men? BTW, dinner will be served this thursday night.
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Are you staying within a budget to make a profit or cooking this for them flat rate?

As it's pretty late to add much, think portion control. You dish it out,not them to control.

Serve in this order.

Start with the sides (have more of that to fill their plate)

Then give them one chicken breast (I'm assuming one whole per?)

Sausage comes down to how you cut it.

7 briskets. Are you slicing or chopping? I like pulled pork for large groups, easy to cook and you can cook a lot of it and put it on small buns and they fill up (but it wasn't on your menu)

Baby Backs won't be enough if you don't control it. Only two cases, they'll be gone in nothing flat, so I'd definitely serve them last.

That should get the thread start for you.
Doing this for $1.00 per kid. Due to UIL rules. Son plays on the team and I am in a position to do this for the school at a minimal expense.

Briskets, thinking about making choped beef sandwiches...have it all chopped up and ready to go?

Ribs - 1 slab cut into 3rds

Sausage - cut them in about 1/2 inch slices

Chicken breast - 1 each

And yes, we will be serving....1 sandwich or a couple of pieces of sliced beef, 1/3 rib, a few sausages, and 1 all the sides....

My son did request 1 whole slab for himself!!! what a BBQ pig he is....haha, knows good BBQ when he taste it
Sounds like a plan.

To keep prep time down, I'd definitely do the brisket beforehand, and warm it in the smoker.

UIL says $1? That's stupid. You can't buy a meal at any restaurant for that price. And feeding a 100 people for $100 means you're going in the whole quite a bit it sounds like.

When people ask me how much I charge, they seemed shocked at any charge over $5. "but the boss only gave me $5 a person". I say try to go to McDonald's and get a meal for that price.

But you're doing it to help and for fun for your Son, but for a whole rack, I'd make him work for it Big Grin

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