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Well the brisket has began 2 11lg in the cookshack 55 1 13lb on the offset all choice grade. Fact as I know them.

1. 25 people showing up to eat @ appox 7:00 pm.
2. Put each brisket on @ 3: am Temp on all 3 37f
3. Set 55 for 225deg.

I used what I thought was 6 oz of wood. I just don�t see how that amount of wood will be enough.

Thanks to everyone one for all the good advice; decided to stick with my original plan.

4:00 am I see smoke coming out of the 55 I hope that�s a good sign. Temp up to 45deg.

Now what do I do? Diet coke or Bud Light �..Diet Coke I guess don�t she just would not understand Bud light @ 4:00 In the morning.
S. Oakie, I got the number to the local Pizza Hut as you suggested.

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Don't put on on the bottom rack, next to the heat. Put the lower temp on on the very top rack, the other in the middle and don't open the door any more.

Are you checking temps by opening the door or via remote probe.

Rotate them, lower the smoker temp to 200 and just don't open the door and let them go.

They're done when they're done. If they get done early, you pull them and wrap them and go from there.
the 5 am beer should do the trick!!!!
i always have a good luck beer at 5 am that my daughter gives me since i wake up grumpy.
only other suggestion is get the sound track from "good morning vietnam" turn the stereo way up and hit the 1st track while ya crack the beer. sure wakes up the brisket Big Grin
Sorry I fell off the forum people stared to arrive and I just got swamped. But here is the play by play:

Put them on at 3: am by 8:00 one had reached 165 deg. I did what SO told me and rotated the briskets and set temp. To 200 deg. I pull one out at 11:00 am because it hit the temp. At this point I�m a little worried� dinner @ 7: 00 pm. Taking the one at 190 rapping it w/ foil and put it in my igloo. (And of course she reminds me when were eating and how many people we have coming�. so I have another beer.)

I must recommend rubberized gloves. Not sure I could have moved them any other way. O.K. Now I have opened the door twice�and lost a lot of heat so I turn the heat back to 225 deg and slowly and I mean slowly the starts to climb.

At 3:00 pm I hit 190 on Brisket #2. I take it out and wrap it in foil and put both of them back in the shack on 100deg. So we all could rest the 2 briskets and me.

I still have the 13 lb on the offset it comes off at 4:00- foil into the shack.

Now its 6:45pm I pull everything out and start to slice. Then she asked me why these other two don�t have a smoke ring. Never mind my answer.

The 2 from the shack are so juicy it unbelievable. They are tender and have a slightly different taste not to the point were one could tell I cooked them in something different but still a little something. (Once you put the Stubbs BBQ sauce and the dill pickles no could tell the difference.) Then everybody came through the line to eat.

It turned out great !!!!!!! . I could not have done it with out all the help. Special thanks to SO for holding my hand through these lonely early hours.

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