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I was pleased to get an e-mail last week from a self-described lurker who noticed tha we lived in the same neck-of-the-woods. He had been contemplating a smokette purchase based on the good vibes he got from lurking around the forum. Of course I invited him to come by and take a look at my set up and ask any questions he may have. He called for directions and mentioned that a market near his home had packer trimmed briskets available. That's a pretty rare commodity up here in NJ so when he offered to bring one over, he was my new best friend! And show up he did--with a nice 14 pounder in tow! I was thrilled and he was happy to get the opportunity to check out a cookshack in person. If your lurking out there BN, welcome to the cookshack nation!
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As you know from reading the forum, brisket is tough to master, so if it isn't perfect the first time out, don't be discouraged. Eat your mistakes (a good sauce can fix what's broken) and try, try again. I'm sure there's a pork butt out there with your name on it! Enjoy !!!!!!
so THAT'S what it takes to get the lurkers out.

Okay, lurkers, listen up. If you want, stop by my house, you bring the food to smoke and some liquid refreshment of my choosing, and I'll show you how. Geez, that was easy.

Now,'re gonna scare him before he even has his smoker... Wink


At least you're starting out with a large brisket. Do a few things:

1. Read all the posts in the Brisket Archive Forum.

2. Read Brisket 101 (by some guy named Smokin')

and last but not least...

The brisket will come out fine if you don't oversmoke it and give it enough time to cook (it's done when it's done). Use and internal temp as a target and the "fork" test to confirm it's done.

Your first will will come out.

IF NOT, take it over to NJP and he'll eat it.


That's a big ole brisket you've got there. Do not give in to temptation to cut it in half! Put it on the shelf and if have to, let it smash up against the wall of the Smokette. Just keep it off the back wall so you don't interefere with temp readings. (This is not what it says to do in the book, but it's better than cutting the brisket in half, because you will lose moisture.) Make sure you season your smoker well before doing this. Seasoning instructions are in the operator's manual.

You be sure and let us know how it turns out.


having met Ret, you can be sure that he won't be scared off. he's got some smokin' experience under his belt (at least he can still see his belt). So he probably knows the degree of difficulty for nailing a brisket. By the way, any other Jersey lurkers who might be looking to join the cookshack nation are always welcome to visit me
I'd like to offer that same invite to those in my area, as well! Anyone in Utah thinking of getting a CS (or those that already have one, for that matter) are welcome.

Wonder if there should be some sort of member directory, or something on the "new" site...prospective customers can look up owners in their area...

Just a thought.
If "Lurker" means "wish I had a Cookshack" then I guess I too am of that category, however, as I also wish to join the CS Nation, I am accepting donations to the "Get Mike an Oven Foundation" which has recently been founded for underprivileged South American BBQ wannabes. We accept checks or money orders, and swear to uphold the longstanding principals and traditions of The CS Nation in Sunny Venezuela. Just kidding of course, keep your checkbooks in your pockets, and I'll keep my tooth under the pillow!

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