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Yes, I have used mine quite a bit. I have used it both on in-house ovens and on smokers and it works well.

One must get accustomed to the idea that this must be used properly and the data it returns must be interpreted properly.

For example, it is best but time consuming, to sit there and monitor the highs and the lows of several temperature swings and then calculate the average.

The machine has a running average feature, but it is difficult for me to equate that to real life results, so I calculate my own averages.

Smokers and ovens will often overshoot, especially on the first, or warm up cycle. That means that one must let the smoker stabilize before calculating averages.

Location of the probe is critical and shoud be dead-center of the oven for a run with an empty oven. I put a medium piece of foil on a rack below the probe to shield it from direct currents from the heating source.

I tried a digital Fluke multi-meter with a K-type thermocouple probe. It was accurate toa tenth of a degree (0.1 degree). However, it responded much too quickly to be really useful.

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