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Thanks Papa, I kind a figured thats what I'd end up doing. Just did my first seasoning, man does it smoke and gets up in temperature quick. Of course nothing in there, will start that tomorrow. Papa, what quantities of brisket, butts and ribs do you cook at a time, to still get good product. Seems cookshacks quantities are for perfect conditions
Big Daddy,
Sorry in the delay getting back to you. To start with we gave up on briscuts several years ago.This was due to the cost,as well as heavy cutting loss.We went to a beef shoulder clod,less cost, more yeald,and a great product.No one seemed to care.When we made a run on clods we generaly cook a case which is 3,remember these bad boys are BIG. We have ran 6 at a time for special caters.
Ribs we use the full blown spare,2 cases layed flat will fill the 250,yet there is roomfor the smoke to circulate.Butts ,15 to 20 butts is a full unit and you have to be very careful not to overload,normal run for us is like 2 cases. Hope this helps,I feel that the best way is not to load to heavy,smoke everyday if you have to and with the clods all night.Example,put a case of clods on today,started smoking at 2pm,and will run at 180 for 16 hours then hold at 140 until we come in in the morning.Can't beat it.
Good Luck,and if I can help you anyother way let me know.
Papa Shaka Big Grin Wink

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