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Well, I got my new model 50 yesterday, delivered by the guys in Brown. I think they tried to play football with it. Two legs cracked at the weld and inside rack supports broken at the weld points.

While I know the guys in Brown are responsible for the handling, my concerns are were the welds properly done? On the inside box, there were two weld spots above where the rack welds actually ended up. To say the least I was disappointed in the broken welds, but then to find the two addtional weld spots, which by the way, burned through the inside wall, has me somewhat concerned about the quality of workmanship on the inside welding.

I was quite disappointed with the workmanship on this box, I truely hope the new one is of a higher quality than the first. I had heard so many good things about the cookshack line and my initial feeling is, I had made a good investment. I hope quality of workmanship is there this time, I really do not want to go through another return.

Kudos to TONY at Cookshack.

I spoke to Tony at Cookshack and he offered up a replacement on the spot, so service is number one with those folks and that put a smile on my face right away. So I will be waiting another 5 or 6 days for my next model 50, which I hope will be intact and will not be used by the guys in brown, for a touchdown this time.

I look forward to my first smoke, hopefully next weekend. I am pleased with the quality of service I received and hope this is but a unique incident.

I am interested in knowing if anyone else had problems with inside welds which hold the racks?

Your thoughts.

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Good morning Mike,

As a relatively new owner myself, I can understand your concern. Don't worry, the Cookshack folks will make it right whatever it takes.

Are your sure the welds around the rack holders were really bad. My 050 had some discoloration around the pegs. But I understand this can happen when working with stainless steel.

Hang in there. You'll love the critter. And the folks in this forum will help immeasurably in making using your new toy the best BBQ experience you've ever had.


Smoke 'em if you got 'em Smiler
Morning Hook,

Yes, the rack holders were broken off. Back left pin and right front pin. But the thing that bugs me the most is the two high weld burns above the rack mount welds. They must have set the welds to high the first time and then decided to lower them, but the two high weld spots had burned through the steel.

My hopes on the next one.

To anyone who has questions about Customer Service.

This isn't really a customer support forum, so CS, Customer Service doesn't normally keep an eye out for events.

The response I offer is always the same, pick up the phone and call CS Customer Service 1-800-423-0698

they prefer to respond personally, instead of via a webpage. Just an indication that they like to take care of problems directly and immediately.

They'll make it right.


Just a note to say I have gotten my new model 50. Fired it up yesterday, seasoned it and started some ribs. They came out great.

Looking forward to a long relationship with my mode 50.

And on a Service Point, I just want to say THANK YOU, to Tony at CS for his fast response. I truely believe the boys in Brown were responsible for the damage to my first model 50. I hope they stop bouncing our boxes around.

Thanks to all who replied, look forward to speaking with you all from time to time.

I allso had a problem with my 55 when it came in I had a rack holder fall off on the inside as you stated I had a new one in no time. Thats been over 2yrs. it stays outside uncovered right on the saltwater marsh and I just used it last weekend after a long sit and it went to work just like it was new. I have a smokett that I have had longer that sits under a cover until time for camping and I load it on the truck with out any thought that it might not work anymore and its never let me down.The 50 and 55 has paid for it self in my eyes.

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