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I cooked tri-tip for Mother's Day. Easy and very, very good. I'll post more pics later, but here's a sampling. I do these either entirely on the kettle or, if time is lean, as shown below.

Rubbed with a Santa Maria type seasoning:

In the pre-heated smoker with maybe 1oz of cherry wood. Cook to ~120 internal:

Finished on a hot grill to an internal temp of 130:

After a 10-min rest it rises to 135 internal. Sliced thin:

Brushed some fresh hoagie-style buns with a garlic butter, toasted them on the grill, and it's the best sandwich!!
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Geiyser, typically these are cooked on a charcoal grill, first indirect to cook them through and then direct for carmelization/crust.

I started them in my Cookshack because 1) it's easy, 2) they get more smoke, and 3) it's easy. About 1oz or less of wood and the temp at 150. The grill really finishes them up nicely with crust, carmelization, grill marks, etc.

Pchef, glad you could steal what I stole from someone else. Wink

LA, The meat came from Costco, pre-trimmed. I had one package (2 per package) of each of the following:

What's the difference between the two, other than the obvious price? Costco doesn't have the cheaper variety very often. And to tell you the truth, I'm not sure I could even tell a difference (though my taste test wasn't side-by-side).
Last edited by Former Member
Hey Dennis,

My 2 cents worth is that the label sez it all. The meat in the 2 packages are cut from two different areas of the animal. The tri-tip is from the tip of the loin, it is more marbled (usually more tender and juicy), and the tri-tip area in each animal is quite small thus the higher price.

The round usually is very lean and often does not do well with a low & slow cook.

But hey, what do I know?, the results in your pix look good!!!
Originally posted by Wheelz:
Dennis -- What happened to the pics in the first post? They are not there. Sure would like to see them!

Are you using Firefox? It doesn't show in Firefox but it shows fine in IE. Just haven't figure out why yet. It's a FF setting. The broken link in firefox (right click and look at properties) is different than IE.

The problem was in the wrong placement of a "\" in the original post. You can't pub backslashes in URL, need to be forward slahs. IE could fix that, FF can't.

I fixed it in the post, you should see it now.

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