OK, I know this is nothing for some of you guys, but I was asked to prepare some BBQ for our church banquet. 58 LBS of Butts and 19 LBS of brisket. Here's the timeline. DAY ONE: 1800hrs: Rub all meat and place in individual zip lock backs (weighted and labeled)
DAY TWO 2000: All meat on a preheated FEC 100. Set for 180 for six hours, 248 until complete.
DAY THREE: 0500: check on meat: all is fine.
DAY THREE: 1000, Spin all racks. Move top to second, second to bottom and bottom to second. Brisket is on third rack and just gets spun.
DAY THREE: 1400: Baste all with a mop mixture
DAY THREE: Baste again
DAY THREE: Pull all meats, double wrap in foil and place in my preheated cooler
DAY THREE: 1800, pull butts, slice brisket. All product is still Too hot to handle.
DAY THREE: 1830: Serve 85 people utilizing four butts, two briskets and 7 pounds of homemade Rib Sticks (basically smoked ground lean pork with a little maple flavoring and smoked to perfection. Served in BBQ sauce .
Everyone loved the BBQ. Also, see photo storyboard attached.
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