Determined to stay out of trouble, I decided to do a small pork butt (3.5# bone-in) which is now smoking away in my CS. It has been on for 2 hours at 225 degrees. I smeared it up good with French's mustard and then put lots of JJ's Rub (homemade with about 19 ingredients in it plus a lot of piment d'espelette to add some heat to it) just before beginning the cook. Put about 2 0z apple wood and 2 oz hickory in the woodbox. At 2 hours, it has reached a temp of 152.
This is my first CS pork butt, so I have some questions:
Is there an advantage to cook a butt with bone-in vs no bone?
Is there a difference between cooking times for a bone-in and a no bone butt.
I like to pull some, and slice some- so, I plan to let it cook to about 190 internal. Does this sound right?
Also, for this cook, I did not plan to mop. Is this a no-no in CS butt cooking?
Is the plateau reached at around 165 degrees like a brisket?
Is a bigger butt likely to cook up better then this small one?
It's raining hard outside as I cook. the smokette is under an eave, but still exposed to the rain. It would have to flood to get water under ole-smokey, so I guess it's OK?