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Hello all,

Well tonight is the night I am starting my first smoke. Last night I bought a 8 pound pork butt. I made the rubb from Mainelydave's website, let it site in the frig for 24 hours. I Cured the 008 last night, and now it is time for the smoke. I just put the butt in about 20 minutes ago. I think that I have everything covered. I foiled the smoker bottom and wood box cover. Put 4 oz of Hickery in the box, and put my new maverick wireless therm in the butt. I even got a new bottle of Jack Daniels to celebrate the occasion. Now it is just time to wait. After 30 minutes I am at 52 degrees. Only 143 to go. Well wish me luck yall, and I will update yall in the morning. Thanks for all the great advice on the site.


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Goodmorning everyone. I just woke up and checked the smoker and the therm is stuck at 159. It has been there for the past 3 hours. Is this normal??? I know about the plataue, but I was expecting it a little closer to the 175 mark. Please advise. Also a little black juice or something was dripping out the door. Is this normal as well?? Thanks
Hey Haas -- all is well. Have patience with the butt as it takes a while to get through the plateau. Once she starts movong it will go fairly quick. As for the "black juice" oozing out the door, that's normal and will eventually cease. It's all part of the smoker breaking in and getting used to its environment. Sometime within the next few hours you'll be enjoying some great Q. Go easy on that Jack Daniels, don't numb your tastebuds! Big Grin

Keep us posted on your results!
I always enjoy these blow by blow threads, you'll have some fine results I'm sure.

Patience Haas3, patience. Do we call you H3 for short?

The plateau happens around 160 and can take hours to get through it, but it's part of the process of the collagen breaking down.

Don't try to rush it, your first time, just let it go until it hits your target of 195.

The ooz is just building on the side walls dripping down it sounds like from your description. It usually disappears after it's really seasoned well.
I set the smoker at 225. Im hoping I didnt cut it too close. I still have about 5 hours until dinner time so hopefully I should be OK. It is at 169 right now and we are 14 hours 52 minutes in. Should I up the temp, or is it OK? Oh and Dave THe Jack is starting to run a little low. May have to send out for reserves. See yall in a little while.

-------"Your right Dave, what's the ratio of JD to Butt per hour?"-----------

Last night when I read his post, the first thing I did was to divide a bottle of JD into onces per 10 degree rise in temp. Great minds think alike and prefer to run on schedule. Smiler

I decided that I'd be done before the butt was though if I tried to stay on that schedule.
If you're pressed for time, I would go ahead and crank it up to 250, might even foil it. If you are really pressed for time you can throw it in the oven at 350. Low and slow helps to render the fat out of the meat and baste it too. It may now be quite as tender as you'd like but it will be good.

Good luck!!!
Well I just crossed the 20 hour mark, and am at 185. I just bumped the smoker up to 250, and I am going to pull it and foil in about 30 minutes. I am assuming that it will continure to cook while in the foil for a while before WE EAT. I am running low on the jack, but a friend is coming over any minute with a reserve of coors light. Should be a great night. I cant wait to open the door and see what she looks like. I hope it is as good as im hoping.
Man am I full. I finally pulled the Q at 190 and put in a cooler wrapped in aluminum foil and a towel for about a half an hour. It was tender and great. Everyone loved the Q. I have a bunch of leftovers. I know what Ill be eating tommorrow. Thanks everyone for all the help and advice. I really appreciate it. Oh an by the way we are now out of Jack!!! I guess that means the night is over. Talk to yall soon


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