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Looks pretty good to me also, maybe a little over-done but pics are sometimes deceiving. I probably would have added some garlic and rosemary to the mix but that's just me. If you liked it that's all that matters!

Give us a run down of your process and how it was received by the partakers. What would you do different next time, if anything?

It was actually pretty good!!

I was amazed!!

I took it out at 127 (Maverick digital smoker probe...that thing is amazing!!) and double wrap in foil and towels for 45 mins before slicing...

I also was expecting it to be "rawer" ?? but it was quite perfect since my guest don't like it when it's too pink!!

Bought it at grocery on special and asked the butcher to cut off the bones and he tied them back with roast rope. I soaked it in red wine for the night. In the morning, rubbed it with the Stuart's reciepe...

set it in the smoker at 3PM @ 210 was ready around 6:15PM rested until 7PM in wrapup...

The guest where amazed...and so was the cook!! Big Grin

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