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Hi canada and welcome to the forum! I see from your profile that you use a smokette. Most people here are resigned to the fact that cooking chicken at low temps is going to give you rubbery skin. Some finish their bird parts on the grill while others put them under the broiler. This topic has been discussed many times. I suggest that you go to the top of this pagee and use the "search" function. Check in the poultry archieves under "skin" and I bet you'll find a ton of posts.

Good luck!!!
Take from the smoker and place on a hot grill. Baste the skin with Alabama White Sauce, mayo, olive oil, etc. I place the meat skin side down for only a few minutes and it crisps up nicely.

If you're only doing a few pieces put them on the bottom shelf directly over the firebox. Flip to skin-side-down about half way through the cook. Often times this enables you to skip the grill altogether.

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