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Ok, I broke down and got a pellet cooker. I love my stick burning diamond plate but with all the catering jobs lately I figured some sleep would be a good thing.

So any ins and outs on the fec 100 would be great. Just picked up my pellets from the dock yesterday. Got a nice mix of pecan, hickory and apple thanks to Candy!
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When I cook butts, I use the method Dr BBQ taught me. I run the FEC100 at 140 for two hours, 180 for another two hours, and 235 for the remainder. When I use this method, I start them at 6 PM the night before and let them cook all night long. They usually come off the next morning anywhere from 7 to 11 AM. Depends on the size and where they are in the smoker. Of course, my usual cook is twelve butts of 7-8 lbs. each.

I think Eddy cooks his at 180 for 4-6(?) hours and then pushes it up to 225 to finish them.
I just had to say 'ditto' - a new member and a soon-to-be FEC 100 owner. I just ordered last week and can't wait for it to arrive. I just wanted to add that the main reason I was inspired to make the jump was because of the time I've spent lurking on this forum. I'm certain with your postings and the new FEC 100 I'll be smoking like a pro in no time...
Thanks Russ I found it and it was very helpful!! I cooked my 12 lb'er today at 180 for 2 hrs and held at 200 for the next 3 hrs and removed at 125 degrees internal and wrapped and resrted in a cooler for 1 hour, It was awesome medium rare with great homemade aujus. Leftover will be sliced thick and grilled on high heat tpmorrow for 1 min on each side. I sure do appreciate all the help you give everyone including me on this forum!!! You probably don't remember me but I met you at the class last Dec?
I pulled it at 125 temp in the very center so outer 2 sides were probably 132-134. As I stated above I rested it wrapped and in a cooler for 30 45 min and was a perfect medium rare to rare. I sliced the lsftovers and grilled them to a medium the next day and they were outstanding. I feel low and slow is the way to go with PR. The FEC 100 performed flawlessly as expected!! I absolutly love it!! Now the next purchase will be a PG 500. Do yoiu have the link to Stuart's demo of the PG 500? Can't seem to find it again??

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