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I don't know anyone who uses preset times.

There's tons of info here to help out. The FE forums have FE specific info, but the reciepes in the meat forums will adapt to the FE just fine.

To start, have a read through the FE forums (more info than the manual) and ASK questions.

Pick a meat, we can help you through it, then off you go.

Doesn't take much to learn but a bit to become an expert.

PB's are the easiest and hardest to goof up. 2nd would be ribs. 275 for 4 hours (St. Louis Trimmed Spares) Brisket seems to be everyone's challenge.
Learned how to cook everything on the Amerique, you guys had me afraid to try a Brisket from reading how hard they are. First one on the Amerique came out perfect. Then I understood, the brisket will come out good or great, either one will taste good and be edible Smiler
Now I just have to adjust, to transfer that knowledge to the FEC100 Smiler
Originally posted by Randy E:
The rib and brisket buttons are preset times and temps. But you can change them to what ever you want to set the unit to. but they will not save it once the unit is turned off.


Never been able to change the presets on mine, even temporarily.

but if they don't store, why would you change them instead of just using the manual set method?
I spoke poorly. I did say they were preset.

When you hit one vs the other, the time limit will come up. Such as the 12 hours for brisket vs the 3 hours for chicken. But what I meant was once it is selected, then I run the time and temps up to were I want it to be.

That is what I meant by a short cut. Some how that got left out of the quote.

Thanks Cal,

It does go to hold when it hits the time limit.

Did it to me once, when I forgot to check how much time I had entered. Started on the brisket setting, and set the temp to what I wanted, but forgot to set the time. At the end of the 12 hours, it went to hold. At comps just to play it safe, I will set the hold temp to my cook temp. Just in case.

It's been little over a year since I ordered pellets last, and I have gone through 800lb this past year. I cook better than I type.

Originally posted by Chaplain Bill:
Smoking, if after 12970 posts, you haven't been able to change your presets, I'm not even gonna try mine Smiler

oh, no, someone's tracking me, #13,000 is right around the corner.

From back in 2009 when I hit 10,000 we ran a contest:

Think about it, if I spend 2 min on each post, that's 20,000 mins or over 333 hours OR almost 14 days of just typing, let alone reading them.


So, now 13,000 x 2 min, 26,000 min is 433 hours or a little over 18 full days of typing.

Do I love BBQ or what?

Thanks for noticing
Originally posted by WayneB:
Well, am I stupid or brave? Not sure which.
First smoke on the FEC100 is a 13.55 lbs brisket from Restaurant Depot.
Going to take it up to 170-175 and foil till it hits 197.

Wayne I used to foil mine but seem to like the results better when I don't. I am going to try and seperate the flat from the point and maybe wrap the flat at 170 in hopes it doesnt dry out as much?? Took my whole brisket off last weekend at 190 and it was perfect. Seems each one is a little different. Like the old saying goes "its done when its done"
I never foil mine in the FEC, turn out great as long as I pull at 190, wrap in foil, and cooler with blankets to self-marinade for at least two hours (4-6 better). I think this is an important part of the cooking process. I think I'm gonna pull the next one at 185 and see how it turns out. The carryover should do it.

many guys are much more experienced then me. I need to try some burnt ends.

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