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Hi all,

I just created an account and this is my first post. I've been lurking here for about six months and have been considering purchasing a CS. With the new line/dimensions, I'm convinced I really want one of these. I'm a young guy serving active duty in the Airforce. Money is always tight it seems. Does CS offer a lay-a-way program? This would be very convenient, as dropping six hundred bucks on anything at once isn't easy these days.

Thanks, this forum is great and it's certainly a factor in deciding between which products to buy.

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This is my first post also, first I'd like to thank you for serving in our military. After scanning the internet for several months I've decided on the smokette but I'm not sure if I'll buy the essential or elite. I'm leaning toward the elite but I won't have the money til next month so I am still considering. Good luck with your layaway, I was in the AF 30 years ago and I remember how tight my finances were.

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