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I just purchased a smokette and smoked my first Brisket,,, better than if it came from a restaurant. I just followed the directions, 4.5 lb flat, 3 0Z of hickory, 225 for about 6hours then foiled it and back in the smoker for an additional 3 hours, let it rest for about an hour then wow,,, great eating. thanks CS for a great product, I will be on here often.
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Originally posted by spaerib:
[qb] nature guy congratulations on your purchase, your going to love it. just took a 12 pounder out this morning, cs rib and chicken rubs, can't go wrong. weewilly, all those post and no brisket!! you've got to try one soon, there great. paul [/qb]
Hey Spaerib.. I just like to ask a lot of questions.. I learn more that way Wink So, here's another question...

you say a 12# er.. turkey or brisket? .. we have been talking about both now. If brisket.. I've never seen one that large..

If a turkey.. you say you took it out this morning.. how many hours did it take to cook and at what temp?

weewilly, it was a full brisket usda choice bought at a small town butcher shop. took to 185 internal set at 225, friged for today. lunch with family and friends. will slice for sandwichs with a little "Q" sauce. you'll have to try a brisket no matter the size, they are great! good luck paul

[qb] Originally posted by WeeWilly:
you say a 12# er.. turkey or brisket? .. we have been talking about both now. If brisket.. I've never seen one that large..[/qb]

We talk a lot about the regional variations. On the coast and many places, "brisket" usually means a trimmed Brisket Flat about 4 to 6 pounds. Around here, when we say brisket, we mean Brisket with a capital B, usually 8 to 14 pounds. Check out the link and you'll see photos of an 8 and 11 pounder, full packers, untrimmed.

Hope that helps.

Brisket 101
Good Morning WeeWilly,

I have never cooked a brisket in the 55CS yet! However in my Grill Dome ceramic grill I take a 12 pound brisket, cut it in half and place each piece on one of two (2) shelves with a drip pan between the bottom brisket and the charcoal. I then cook them at 200-220 for about 18 hours and sometimes 20 hours on one load of natural charcoal. Cost of cooking is a lot more than it will be in the model 55CS.

My point - when I cook my next brisket, it will be in the model 55CS and I will cut a 12-14 pound brisket in half and use two shelves and will cook them until they are showing 195 degrees internally. I don't care if they are done at 185, I like them crusty on the outside.

My problem today, I only have a half of a brisket in the freezer and no mullet so will smoke 6 cornish hens in the CS today. Big Grin
Jack's cooked brisket a total of 3 times. We had a great big fatty looking one at the Minneola contest. We cooked it for 18 hours, using the crutch method described in this forum. We didn't put it in a cooler or wrap it in newspaper. Just foil. It looked awful to us. It was falling apart. Jack had to look for the tougher part of it. But the judges liked it! It was a full brisket. I think our total time for smoking was 18-19 hours.

P.S. we let it sit in foil about 2 hours.

Since we have a combination of FE's and CS's make sure you let us know which one you're giving times/temps for. I'm sure, since it was a contest, it had to be the FE, but there are a lot of people here, the majority in fact, that don't have FE's (although I think they'd like one).

ok here is how i do brisket and i will give times and temps only but it is done in an fec using trager cherry flavored pellets.
brisket is 13 pound packer usda grade choice.
for rub i use a mix of penzeys northwoods fire and english prime rib rub.
brisket goes in cold smoker and i start my clock.
i go thru standard fec start up cycle and i hold it on smoke setting.
the stablized temp is 205 degrees
temp swings go from 215 to 190.
at 12 hours i wrap it in heavy foil and put that in a 2" hotel pan ( i learned this trick 2 weeks ago after filling my shoe with hot juices) and put that back into smoker.
at 16 hour mark i unwrap the brisket and back into smoker.
at 18 hour i take it out and let it rest 30 mins before slicing.
i hope the time and temps clear up any confusion and just so everyone knows this is how i did it on times and temps for my brinkman bullet also

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