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Yeah, they annouced those this week. God help us, just more confusion for the consumer. Heck we can't even get consistent names with what we have now.

Can't wait for the "consumer friendly names" to be determined.

Here they are until then:

Pectoralis profundi: Similar in dimension and tenderness to a chicken breast, this cut is already being marketed by some packers as "pork breast."

Teres major: A single portion cut that can be used for upscale dishes because of its high tenderness; it is equivalent to a small tenderloin and could be used for medallions.

Gracillus: Similar to a flank steak, this cut is good for ethnic dishes like fajitas or Asian grilled dishes.

Vastus lateralis/Rectus femoris, or "knuckle": A very tender and juicy roast, portioned for two, that could be a rotisserie product or a petite roast.
This is good news for the pork producers and bad news for the farmers and consumers who'll take it in the shorts one more time. It'll make more money for the big guys while taking the few remaining inexpensive cuts away from the little guys, and you can bet your last buck that the farmers won't make one thin dime more when their hogs go to market. I can see it all now, $6.99 a pound for pork butts and picnics. Lord have mercy.

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