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Here are some pics of my first babybacks

I want to offer a special thanks ZebzBBQ for the GREAT rub recipe. His recipe is in the ribs archives. The first picture was taken @ 2hrs and the 2nd @ 3hrs. and 40 min. just before I brushed them down the last time with the butter pineapple juice mix. The last pictures are of the final product @ 4 hrs and 15 mins. Smiler
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I think this is the recipe, correct?

Zebs Ribs:
Just smoked backs yesterday. Had the neighbors over to try the ribs we will be competing with this year. I think you will be pleased with this Rub recipe.
8 tsp sweet paprika
2 tsp hot paprika
2 tsp black pepper
2 tsp white pepper
2 tsp dry mustard
2 Tblspn salt
1 tsp onion powder
1-1/2 tsp garlic powder
2 tsp six-pepper
3/4 tsp cayenne
8 Tblspn Brown sugar---I like Dark
1 tsp celery salt

Rub liberally. After 2 hours of cooking brush with the following mixture.
1 stick real butter
2 6 oz cans of pineapple juice
Melt butter and mix with juice.
Brush again at 3 hour mark and again about 20 minutes before ready to pull from smoker.
Serve them just like this, straight from the smoker or you can add sauce--probably doesn't need it though.
Smoke with oak--red oak (with a small amount of apple added about the half way point)is the preffered smoke flavor, but white oak will work fine.
Wish I could post a picture--I could show you the ones that we did yesterday.
If you try our recipe--please let us know how you like it. We have worked on this for 6 years and again it is the recipe we will be competing with, so we would love any feedback.
Happy Smoking!

Oh yeah!
your cook time should be about 4 hrs and the cook temp 220-225. Check them at about 3 hrs and 45 min. YOu are checking that the bone doesn't pull out of the meat cleanly.
Question on the "brushing" thing, does a guy leave the door of the smoker open and brush the racks inside the unit? or pull the racks to conserve the heat of the smoker? I know..silly question, but I've read about opening the door and costing yourself up to an additional hour of cooking time.

I'll be doing Ribs for superbowl with this recipe and would love to see them turn out like the ones here, but I think I'll skip the egg thing Smiler

Thanks for your help.
I did open up the door and slid the the racks from side to side and sprayed the mixture directly on to them.I just keep the spray bottle with the butter and pinapple juice in some hot water to keep the butter from thickening up where it wouldn't spray. I sprayed them down and closed the door pretty quickly and the smoker recovered to cook temp pretty quick. but thats probably why they took just a little bit longer to get thru. On the egg thing I have to admit they were tough as boot leather and tasted awful! Good luck on your ribs, I'm doin butts this weekend.
If you are still intent on eggs, maybe now that I know what a 'fatty' is (at least what it is around here), I figured you could probably due a smoked scotch egg. Normally, a hard cooked egg is removed from its shell and completely covered in uncooked ground sausage and dropped in a deep fryer. Tasty little appetizer. I don't see any reason you couldn't due it in a cookshack. The egg might not get much smoke, but it is unlikely to toughen up.
Those look great! Good for you! I am glad that you and others are enjoying the recipe --- it makes me feel good to see others enjoying it. Here is another little trick that is a good substitute for the PA juice and butter or can be used in conjunction with.
mix: 2 cups Apple Juice
1/4 cup Apple cider vinegar
2 tsp Brown Sugar
1 tsp salt
Also, if you use the Hot Paprika you can leave out the cayenne or not.
Congrats on you great success with your ribs.

P.S. This Rub also works very well with shoulder cuts. Wink

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