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You did a good job on the forum, but you better be ready for a lot of last minute questions. Thanksgiving's kinda' sneaking up on me this year. Maybe it's the mild weather we're having so far. Or maybe it's just that the older I get, the faster time goes.

We always go to our friends for Thanksgiving, so I'm thinking about smoking a butt, or a brisket to take with us for everyone to munch on while we're waiting for the turkey to get done. I bet there will be a lot more turkey left over than usual. Smiler


A 9 lb butt at 225 degrees, you're liable to be in that plateau for a while. I did a 7.5 pounder at 225 yesterday and it took me about 17 hours. I'm going to try the next one at 250 like Smokin recommends. Let us know how it comes out.

I would 2nd those comments about a delay in the questions. Thanksgiving and Christmas are soon upon us. If my 2 whole chickens were any indication on how I'll be trying to do the turkey this month...I may have a few questions. btw...the chickens (standard size, whole, 270 degrees 3 hours, 2nd rack from bottom "standing" together, in a 20 yr.old 50 w/4 oz. mix apple & hickory...turned out AWESOME.

I almost feel bad for the general public that dont have a smoker.
I know, just trying to make sure everyone knows it's here.

And yes we'll get the same last minute questions as always, so I'll be watching.

The best lessons learned would be do NOT wait until T-Day to do your first one. Kinda like that person calling the Butterball hot line the day of and asking how to thaw the bird.

We'll be brining 2 birds. One cajun brine, one regular brine.

My daughter has a new boyfriend and he'd never had real bbq until this weekend (my ribs, PB, Brisket) and first thing he said was "I want this for Thanksgiving".

Family said no, TG is not for BBQ anymore.

Wait until he tried the PR for Christmas. I age it around 40 days and it's time to buy this week.
I've smoked about a dozen turkey breasts since I received my 08. I follow the tips on Turkey 101 and always brine. Have not had anything but great results. Moving up to a whole bird for Thanksgiving Day. I plan on doing it the same way, only longer.
So that's what's for Turkey Day.

Is there a link to what you do to a Prime Rib?
I would love to do one for Christmas or New Year.
I bought my practice birds Sat. Got 2 12 lbers. Did one Sunday and it was most delicious. There was just enough leftover for some to take to work today. I did see some very nice lookin Butterball birds OVER 20 lbs. Those are for the house oven. Love smokin the 12-14 lb birds. So for our Thanksgiving we will have both house cooked and smoked turkey.

Hi Smokin... life is good here, thank you for asking. Its been a very busy summer and fall but hopefully life slows down some now and we return to enjoying the simpler things in Life. Yesterday I ordered 2 cases of meat... 1 of side meat for bacon and the other was pork loins for canadian bacon. Over the next 5-6 weeks Ill be making bacon (approx 60 lbs case weight) and canadian bacon (approx 50 lbs) for Christmas presents. So Im gonna be busy doing that. My mouth is already wanting more smoked turkey so I know what happens at my house this weekend. On Sat I also bought a 4 lb boneless turkey roll. Im going to make turkey ham from that.

Originally posted by cadillac:
Yesterday I ordered 2 cases of meat... 1 of side meat for bacon and the other was pork loins for canadian bacon. Over the next 5-6 weeks Ill be making bacon (approx 60 lbs case weight) and canadian bacon (approx 50 lbs) for Christmas presents.

Hey how about a bacon/bacon photo update? You've done some great threads in the past, with you doing so much, maybe it's time for an update?

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