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Well it's true...I have gone nuts with my Cookshack. Picture's Superbowl Sunday; what could go better while watching the game than a brisket that's been cooking all day. Normally I would smoke at least a 10-12 pounder...but we didn't have a bunch of people over and I was in the supermarket and saw a 3lb choice flat. Some cheesehead had trimmed all of the fat off of it, but I figured I would cover it with bacon.

Saturday night I got it all ready with my basic rub and figured I could put it in when I got up on Sunday. Well the weatherman didn't cooperate and I thought the rain would hold off til the afternoon, but at 9AM it looked ugly. All kinds of crazy ideas went through my head...couild I freeze the rubbed brisket and cook it later...that would be torture. I figured if I could get an hour or two of smoke...I could finish it inside...well I fired it up.

The didnt wait for me...after about 30 minutes it started. I was so upset! kids saved the day! They ran out to the garage and brought in a beach umbrella from last summer! Genious!!

That's where I spent the day...watching the game through the we can have BBQ anytime! No more excuses!
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