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This is a continuation of butts gone bad.
So, I cleaned out the FEC (looks great) and placed new seal.
It won't fire up.
The pelllets keep coming and get slightly warm in the bottom of the fire pot, but won't light.
I've emptied out the pot (numerous times) and place a handfull of pellets and turn on 180. Nothing.
I've turned on a few minutes, turned it off, the restarted. Still no fire.
I've had this for 11 months with no trouble, but now it won't light.
What do I check?
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Get a 1 hp. vac and clean it out--place just a few pellets--maybe 1/4 c--not a hand full--use some sterno gel or some of that green stuff gel--can't remember the name--light it and let it get going real good and then turn on the smoke cycle is okay. It should work for you. This can happen to anyone. It has me, but not for a long while now. Later!
I was just wondering what you did with our butts did you keep them or throw them out? I had a problem with my FE the other night when i got up the fire was out, i started my butts out frozen, i havent seen much of a diffrence in cooking time when i do that and they come out great. i pulled them when they finished and vacume sealed them and froze them because i wasn't sure if they would be bad or not.

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