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According to the web, the Picnic is the front shoulder. I just purchased one to try out since I have never cooked one before. I will use the same method as the Butt. The weather here in New Orleans is just too nice to be inside.
I also have a Butt going in as well, the wife loves having this for sandwhiches.
Originally posted by Joe M:
RZ, Any idea on what your yield is compared to butts? I get butts for $1.27/# so no big difference in price.

I haven't weighed the yield between the two, but I can say the butts yield more than picnics. The picnics I get for $0.99/lb have the skin still on, so when you trim that off, and account for the larger bone, there is less.

Most of the time, the best price I can find for butts is $2.69/lb while the regular price for picnics is $1.89/lb. When picnics go on sale, they go to $0.99/lb but I rarely see butts go for less than $2.39/lb.

If I could find butts at $1.27/lb I wouldn't even bother with picnics. In my situation butts are almost THREE times the price of picnics, and the yield of butts vs. picnics is nowhere close to three times.

I have two picnics defrosting in the fridge right now for the weekend. I can weigh the results after they are smoked and post back my findings.
RZ,many on us can empathize with your situation.

Not to argue about the merits of cooking/eating picnics,but there could be a reason that they sell for the price differential. Smiler

Many cooks,after using butts for awhile just won't use picnics.

A suggestion would be,to watch for ads for country style ribs, as a loss leader.They are just butts that the meatcutter must run thru his meat saw and repackage.
The butts come cryovaced in two-pacs and he might sell them to you and price them as his loss leader.Saves him the labor,repackaging,etc.

If you have freezer space and can make arrangements with any wholesaler,restaurant,etc. butts come in a case of four,two pacs.They will hold in a good freezer for at least six mos and freeze well.

Good luck.

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