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I'm going to smoke a 9lb. picnic shoulder roast , I would like to know how long it should smoke , would apple wood be better then hickory. how much wood should be used.I would like to have it for lunch on Monday. Should it go into the model 55 before I turn to bed on sunday night.What kind of temp. should I be going for.I just got a Polder Probe. I'm excited to try it out.
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I'm thinking 16 to 18 hours @ 225to get to 195 internally. I have learned to put picnics on at 4 pm the afternoon before, in order to pull somewhere from 8 till 10 the next morning. Wrap with foil and overwrap with a couple of terry towels and place it in a cooler until noon. Should pull perfectly.

Happy Trails
It is hard to predict the timing. Most cook at 225 and don't open the door to the CS. The time ranges between an hour and a half per pound to two hours. The previous response was an hour and forty minutes per pound.

Look for an internal temperature of 190 - 195. It will be done when you can move the bone easily with your hand (careful, it is hot) or stick a fork in and twist it easily.

Wrap in foil and let it rest at least 15 - 30 minutes, then pull and shred/chop. Add some rub and any sauce for a great sandwich.

Don't use more than 2 chunks of wood. One is usually better to start out with.

I would suggest that the "picnic" will not have quite the internal moisture of the butt and doesn't take the higher internal temps as well.

It is probably already solution pumped,also.

It may be ready around 180�- 185� to slice and 190�-195�to pull.

I'd be wigglin' the bone around 185�.

I'd still allow myself around 2 hrs/ 225�

You can always cooler it for a few hours.
I recently cooked a 10 #er in a smokette on the top shelf,it took 20 hours @ 225 to reach an internal temp of 190. By mistake I used the cookshack Chicken rub on it instead of the Rib rub,call me crazy,but it was the best pulled pork I've made yet.I just rubbed down another 10#er with the Chix rub,I'll put that in tomorrow at 3 Red Face o pm and will be having BBQ pork sandwiches for Superbowl Sunday.

Smoke Up!

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