Thanks, that's what I figured. Pur on dry bringe this afternoon and after 4 hours I rinsed the dry brine off. Salmon in the fridge forming a peilicle now. Smoking salmon fillets for the first time tomorrow morning. Can't wait.
You're gonna love the way you cook.
Former Member
Smoked the salmon this morning at 5:00 AM. Only took 1 hour andf 20 minutes at 190 degrees to reach internal temp of 130 degrees. Juiciest and most flavorful smoked salmon I ever ate. Will serve on Sunday afternoon during the Steeler's game. Thanks again for the recipe and help.
Bullseye Bill
Bullseye Bill
glad you like it. The salmon goes great with scrambled eggs, or with cream cheese, a little fresh squeezed lemon and capers for a smoked salmon spread.
I am going to do a test run on this recipe. If it turns out like I hope it will, I will do the salmon my daughter brought back from the Oregon Coast. I want to use the Tender Quick just to get a little more cure. The directions say to use a 1/2 oz. per pound of meat. I am thinking that this probably needs to go on the meat before the dry brine so that you know you are getting the 1/2 oz per pound. I want to do this so that I can keep the fish in the vac-pack in the refrigerator. Anyone have any thoughts, suggestions, or experiance with this?
I get very consistent results with this dry brining process without a cure. For long storage I vac pack and freeze with great results that does not affect quality. Always adhere to food safety practices and beware of self appointed food police.
I am between building a rack and drying the salmon over an alder fire in the back yard, or getting everything I need to be able to test the spacific gravity of my brine.
There has to be a happy medium.
There has to be a happy medium.
Tender Quick is a curing salt compound containing salt and cure; if you'll be using TQ you'll need to adjust the salt amount of the brine to compensate for the added salt in the TQ. What are your long term plans for the end product? If planning to consume within a few days or freeze for future use no cure is needed.
First off: I want to appologize to anyone that I might have offended with my last post. It was a little snippish. I want to thank all of you for trying to help with this. I have sent an email to Morton Salt about using their cure, and will let you all know what they say. For now, I am going with the recipe without the cure. I just want to see how it turns out. I will freeze what doesn't get eaten right off.
Once again, thanks for all of the help.
Once again, thanks for all of the help.
Former Member
I can't speak for everyone else but you gave me a good laugh. This salmon thing can get a little out of control. I have screwed up more salmon than I have gotten right.
We did the salmon thing Sunday night. Used CarDog's brine recipe mainly cause I had some already made up and in a container. Easy prep. Nice to keep things simple.
Turned out real nice. Took it from the smoker at 135*. Tasty. Moist. Over a 4 lb filet. My daughter had salmon and rice for breakfast the next morning.
Turned out real nice. Took it from the smoker at 135*. Tasty. Moist. Over a 4 lb filet. My daughter had salmon and rice for breakfast the next morning.

So I did this today using the dry rub and maple syrup. I screwed up and fell asleep while the dry brine was on. It went too long before I washed it off, and put it on to dry. I also screwed up when I bought the filet, and ended up with one without the skin. I used apple and cherry wood because I couldn't find the alder. The end result was a little salty, and a little sweet. I think that I will adjust the brine a little and add a little Lemon pepper and a touch of cayenne. The end result would be really good on a salad, or crackers with cheese. The end result looked like this:
Former Member
IdahoMike-looks like a darned good end result!
I was using 3 mens brine prior to trying this. I have not gone back since I found this.
I am doing two fillets now. I use kosher, but put all the spices and bay leaves into a blender and grind them fine.
I cure for about 3-4 hours and rinse, then dry for several hours, then smoke in my fec100 at 180, till the fish hits 130-140. We eat on the two fillets for the week. We are now doing this about once a month. Awesome recipie.
I am doing two fillets now. I use kosher, but put all the spices and bay leaves into a blender and grind them fine.
I cure for about 3-4 hours and rinse, then dry for several hours, then smoke in my fec100 at 180, till the fish hits 130-140. We eat on the two fillets for the week. We are now doing this about once a month. Awesome recipie.
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