No, not that kind. LOL
I got this recipe from Harry. Thanks Harry.(see below)
I bought a case of pork bellies. They had the skin removed, but still needed trimming and cleaning up.

Sticker shock

Got my cure #1 measured out. 1.1 grams per pound. Ya gotta have a scale. I got this one from Harbor Freight for about $20, I think.

The ingredients

I mixed everything into a little shaker jar. Makes it easier to mix and apply. (top left)

Rub into the meat. Use it all.

I then applied the Maple Syrup, Honey or left Plain for Pepper Bacon.
Wear disposable gloves and get ready for the biggest, stickiest mess that you have ever seen. No pictures of that, but here is the finished version all rolled and bagged up in 2 gallon ZipLock Bags. (l to r, Honey, Plain, Maple Syrup x 2)

Into the fridge for a 7 to 10 day cure.
For each pound:
1.1 grams Cure #1
2.5 tsp Kosher Salt
2.5 tsp Granulated Sugar
These trimmed bellies weighed 7.5 to 9 pounds each so I used 1.5 to 1.75 Cups of Honey or Maple Syrup.
For the plain one, to be peppered later, I plan on 1/2 pound Cracked Black Pepper.
The plan. Smoke on the FEC at 100 or so, if I can keep it there with my #10 can option with Hickory.
To Be Continued.
Thanks for lookin' and stay tuned.