So we started with a 14.24lb Choice brisket from WalMart.

Trimmed off just about 2lbs of fat then rubbed with some #porkmafia Texas Gold.

Into the FEC for a two stage smoke, 180 for 4 hrs, then bumped up to 236 for another 9 1/2 hrs. The flash at night makes it look REALLY yellow.

Woke up, made some coffee, checked at about the 10hr mark. Looking pretty good.

It's not a BBQ without burnt ends right? Separated the point, some additional rub, and back into the smoker at 276.

All my coolers were in use for adult beverages... Luckily I had this SM020 sitting there that I used as a holding oven for the flat.

After about 2 hrs, cut up the point, added some more rub and back in for a few more hours.

Remember those last minute confirmations. Luckily I bought some loin back ribs next door at Sam's when I was getting the brisket at Wally World. Rubbed with some #porkmafia Memphis Mud, and into the smoker. Hopefully they'll be done in time. Smoking at a higher temp than I usually do. 276 instead of 235.

Had to grab a burnt end when I was putting the ribs in. One word... YUM!!!

The forecasted rain held off, adult beverages and appetizers were enjoyed by all, then it was time for eats.

The new rubs were outstanding. I'll have to try another smoke with the Memphis Mud to confirm things, but I may have just found my new favorite rub for ribs.
I loved my SM020, I love my FEC100 even more!