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been a busy few days.

recieved the amerique on thursday.

assembled and preseasoned that day and threw in a couple of hot italian sausages for dinner.
it was a very late dinner!!

friday, we que'd a single rack of loinbacks with my standard salt, pepper, garlic powder, paprika dry rub @ 4.5 hours @ 225F and a single chunk of cherry for dinner. these tasted fine, but the bark wasn't quite there. let the smoker cool a bit, then put an 8# boneless butt from costco in ~ 6:30 PM. seasoned the inside and out with dizzy pig dizzy dust (saltless) and let it smoke @ 225F w/ 1 chunk hickory and 1 chunk cherry.

instrumented w/ the amerique probe and a new ET-732 and let it smoke til 11:30 @ 225F, then turned it down to 200F, so that it wouldn't cook too fast. the butt was at 171F @ 7:30 the next morning. bumped the heat to 225F, and the butt hit my target temperature of 192F @ 1:30 PM. using a metal skewer, probed in several places, and it was like pushing a hot blade through butter. perfect!! FTC'd til the dinner guests arrived.

put the other two loinbacks in the AQ ~ 11:30 AM and augmented the wood w/ another chunk of hickory. when the butt was pulled, bumped the temperature to 250. and it was ready using the toothpick test ~ 4:00 PM. FTC'd til 5 PM.

the shoulder pulled beautifully, and the ribs had a much better bark than the previous day's attempt.
so good that we forgot to take pictures!!
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