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Hi Guys
Got a question, BTW I've read all the stuff on fresh hams there are. One thing gets me, they all say to cook to 160 or so and foil, mostly what I gather so it doesn't dry out. I have a fresh 10 lb ham, fresh like it was butchered Thursday fresh. I'm going to take the skin off and cook it to 195 or so in my 025. I don't think with the cookshack that I should have to foil. I don't want to foil but I don't want to dry it out either. Looks like it's got some fat content and the bitcher said it might fall apart if I take the skin off(tough it's coming off). What do you think.
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It could depend on the hog,but in most cases it should have plenty of internal moisture.

Yes,foiling at 160* will give more of a steam cooked effect.

You may,or may not, have the color and bark you wish.

MIM contests allow use of pork shoulder,or fresh ham as the pork entry.

You can pull it around 185*+ and have slicable pork,or take it higher as you plan,and have pullable.

Hope this helps a little.
Last edited by tom
What SmokinOkie said!

I bought a 25 pound fresh ham on sale last year and tried to treat it like a Pork Butt cooking it 28 hours at 225 degrees in my Amerique. There were some moist spots but I really overcooked it as Fresh Ham is much leaner than a PB, and I should have been paying more attention to the feel of the meat rather than internal temps.
Sorry no after pics but the cook turned out fine, I did foil it at 155 and continued to cook it to 190. Used smokins after cook juice on it as I do with PB and it was fine. Completely different texture, not dry. I was happy with it, my wife really liked it, but it would probably be the last time I do that. Next time I'll cure it and make a ham.
It was a fresh ham being only that it was a piece of meat that would be "ham". In essence since it was not cured/brined it was just pulled pork with a different than a pork butt type grain of meat. It actually made it own juice that was not fatty at all, very nice. We pulled it, but next time I get a fresh ham piece of meat I will just make ham out of it.

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