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First off, I'd like to thank Dr BBQ and RibDog for sharing.

First time for me making rib tips and I wondered around this forum until I came across this fine "recipe from Dr BBQ" that RibDog was kind enough to get permission to post.

I'm gonna make them with a mixture of CS rub and sauce that I will share with my report.

Why not start out big, 18 pieces of rib tips, with some cook treats thrown in. Will be cooking them on my FEC100 with a mixture of Cherry and Pecan pellets.

I'll take some pics tomorrow and do a report, heck if they turn out good, I got several more bags in the freezer that Sonja would like to see something done with...OH WELL!
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I made a rub up with the following mixture of CS rubs...1 cup Brisket rub, 1 cup Rib rub,1/2 cup Chicken rub, along with 2 teaspoons of MGS(Accent). For 18 rib tips and trimmings it took almost 9 cups of rub, ya know, the Dr said to give then a heavy dose.

Here is the two full sheet of pans right after the rub, I'll let them set out for an hour too get good and sweaty....

I cooked them for 4 hrs on 250* in the Fec100,then took and cut them in 1"-1.5" strips. I then put the solution of 2 cups CS spicey sauce and 1 cup Apple juice in half pans with lids on. here is a shot of them after being cut up and before the lids go on....

After 1 hr on 250* in the smoker I checked one pan out. It was not even close to being where I thought it should,so I raised the smoker to 270* and gave it another hour. This was much better when I checked them again. Here are the 2 pans that were left for me...
Last edited by cal 2
Originally posted by dls:
Off the top of my head, 9 cups is a little over a half gallon. What was the total weight of the rib tips you applied the rub to?

Other than too salty, how did you like them?

Didn't weigh them, but I normally try to buy 14.3 lb packages of 3 ribs at Sam's and then trim them. I would guess around 40 lbs of rib tips precook weight.

Will diffidently do them again, but will apply the rub as i do for my ribs, instead of a heavy coating. They were real tender and most of the fat had rendered out. Times are real close, I imagine the 3 cups of sauce per pan would be too much for some, but it worked out real well on that part.
Same here. About a month ago I was smoking some spares and discovered I was out of any the rubs I normally use. The only thing on hand was the CS brisket rub, so I sprinkled some on, but not a lot. The spares came out perfectly done, but the salt in the rub was overwhelming. I was ready to toss them when I decided to rinse, then pat dried them with paper towels. Then I steamed them for about 20 minutes and added a little sauce to salvage them. They came out OK, but still a bit salty.

Maybe it's just me, but I can't handle it.
Originally posted by Qnorth:
Is it just me or do others find the CS rubs too salty?? I used some brisket rub on a chuck roast one time and it was really salty. Same for using the chicken rub.

Well since we're hijacking the original thread... For Rubs, I think it's like wine. Over time you taste buds change and you notice rubs differently.

Rule 1 I tell people wanting to know what rub to buy is look at the ingredient label. Salt is the first ingredient on many, many (I'd say most) rubs.

If your don't like that, just look at the label.

FYI, Brown sugar is #1 on the rib rub. Salt is 3rd. If you want to change the flavors in the Brisket or Chicken, add some brown sugar (I do) Big Grin
Looks pretty darn tasty there Cal! I do my rib tips a little different. I'll cook them just like I do ribs, toothpick test and all. When they're done, I'll cut them up, into a pan and toss with some sauce, I don't cut mine with AJ though, and back into the smoker for about 15 minutes. Add a little more sauce, toss again, and another 15 minutes in the smoker. Done!

The extra half hour gives the tips a little more time to cook. You want them to be a little over done, so that it's easier to get the meat to come off the cartilage and bones without having to work at it.

Now I've got a taste for rib tips for lunch....

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