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I went to the apple orchard to get a batch of apple wood for my 08. It was just cut and still very green. I will have to chop it up and let it dry out before using. I asked if he had anything drier (had a loin to smoke now). He offered me some Plum wood. I took it and smiled like I thought it was great Smiler. I didn't want to turn him down becuase he hooked me up with a 40# bag of apple wood for $5. He has peach wood too.

Anyway, Can plum wood be used in the Shack??? Or do I need to throw it on the next bonfire???
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I don't know if this will help you dry your apple wood, but.........yesterday I cut some rounds off a wild cherry, then broke them into pieces. I had the bright idea of putting the chunks into the gas oven in the kitchen. I placed them on foil and turned the control on low yesterday. Today after about 20 hours dried cherry wood ready to go!

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