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Ok, so I know from searches that theere has been a lot of discussion about the best thermometer (polder, Maverick, and taylor). It seems like that the polder can give folks problems, but there is a cure (literally) as described by Tom in this post:

I'm wondering how many folks have used this method for a polder and had success? The reason I ask is I have a gift certificate for Amazon and was thinking about picking up a Polder duel thermometer ($25). If it hasn't worked, I'm willing to throw down an extra $25 for the maverick.
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I have not tried the oven method, but have done the boil in oil method w/polder dual probe. It didn't last but 1/2 of a smoke. I also sent 2 complete units back (listing them as defective) and received new replacements. I finally gave up on the polder dual sensor & use my Mavericks. At least they're dependable. I Check oven temp periodacally through the top hole w/an instant read to verify tstat is doing it's job.

I like my Maverick...went through a number of Polders before I finally went to it...

As long as we are talking temps, another thing you may want to consider, and not just cause it is a pretty cool toy, is the thermapen. Awesome tool. My wife got me one recently, and I freaking love it. Obviously not to be used like an in the pit temp probe, but you can quick temp any food and have an accurate reading in about 3 seconds!

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