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Ok everyone, especially smok'n okie, I checked with the meat guy at the commisary today. He can special order a pork butt. the problem is he is not sure exactly what I want. he speaks a little english and I speak a little Italian. there are people to help translate. I went to smok'n oakies guide and read the pork butt 101. can someone give me details as to WHAT and HOW the butt is and works? I understand the shoulder portion, but not sure on the rest. By the will take a week to get it in. Spoiled Americans!!!!
thanks, David A
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hope this helps
picture the front leg of a hog.
from the knee up to about the midline of the hog is the shoulder.
now from the midline go on up from there to the top of his back and that part is the butt.
don't ask me how it got that name cause to me that would be his back end but that is called the ham Eeker
ps. if you are in a military commisary ask them if they have a namps book. a pork shoulder picnic is #405 and the butt is a #406.
Hi David.

Estremit� del porco = pork butt in Italian.

"Descriva il piedino anteriore di un maiale dal ginocchio fino circa al midline del maiale � la spalla ora dal midline continuano in su da l� alla parte superiore di suo parte posteriore e quella parte � l'estremit�."

This is what Jack describes the placement of the butt above.

Let me know if that helps at all.


You could also try it this way:

L'estremit� proviene dalla spalla anteriore e dal piedino pi� basso del maiale Divida la spalla in due parti e tomaia (parte della spalla) e un pi� basso (parte del piedino) Allora avete le due parti identificate. L'estremit�.

It should get across what you want, I think, no promises though!

Hi, This is my last try, really, I.m having trouble getting the description I want here, so try all three ways David.

Malgrado il nome, l'estremit� del porco non viene dall'estremit� posteriore del maiale -- � tagliata dalla spalla. La spalla di maiale pesa 12-18 libbre e consiste di due parti: l'estremit�, che � la parte superiore della spalla ed il picnic, che � la parte pi� bassa. L'estremit� intera del porco � un arrosto rettangolare che pesa 6-10 libbre e che contiene una parte dell'osso della lamierina della spalla. � con l'osso o senz'ossa venduto; se senz'ossa, un arrosto intero pu� essere tagliato in parti mezze. Il picnic intero pesa 6-9 libbre. Contiene una parte della zampa anteriore e solitamente � venduto con una certa pelle fissata. Il picnic a volte � tagliato in parte superiore del braccio (la parte pi� carnosa, senza pelle solitamente venduto) ed in parte pi� bassa della zampa anteriore (che contiene pi� osso, pelle e tessuto connettivo).

This is what I am trying to say: Despite the name, pork butt does not come from the rear end of the hog--it is cut from the shoulder.

The pork shoulder weighs 12-18 pounds and consists of two portions: the butt, which is the upper portion of the shoulder, and the picnic, which is the lower portion.

The whole pork butt is a rectangular roast weighing 6-10 pounds and containing a portion of the shoulder blade bone. It is sold bone-in or boneless; if boneless, a whole roast may be cut into half portions. (osso dentro = bone-in)

The whole picnic weighs 6-9 pounds. It contains a portion of the foreleg and is usually sold with some skin attached. The picnic is sometimes cut into an upper arm portion (the meatier portion, usually sold skinless) and the lower foreleg portion (containing more bone, skin, and connective tissue).

Like I said, no promises of success here, but it might just get you what you want. Buona Fortuna... Good Luck to you!


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