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Yesterday I fired up the old offset, brought 'er up to temp and chucked in two 6.5 pound butts that had been well rubbed. They were on at 7:00am and the temp held solid all day between 225 and 235 degrees. At 9:00pm the butt with the probe in it (the other probe was measuring oven temp) indicated that it was almost done. Since it was dark and I wasn't in the mood to re-stoke the fire I brought them in the house and put them into the kitchen oven to finish them off. When the first butt was up to 201 degrees I yanked it out of the oven and put the probe in the other one. Much to my amazement it was sitting squarely at 164 degrees and holding. Not being in the mood for an all night cook I wrapped that sucker up on foil, put it back in the oven, stuck in the probe cranked the temp up to 300 degrees and went to the family room to watch TV. I had my Maverick by my side and could see the temp just plowing through the plateau. I'm sitting there thinking, "This butt's going to be either carbon or shoe leather and at this point I don't even care." In 45 minutes the alarm went off at 201 degrees and I went to the kitchen to pull it. Well, let me tell you, I've cooked quite a few butts in my day and the one that I foiled was the best I've ever done. It was more tender, juicier excellent flavor and still had a nice bark. So, here's my question. Was that just a fluke or did I stumble onto something? Was it the foiling? Was it just a better piece of meat? Or What??? Any comments would be greatly appreciated.

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The first pork butts I did I smoked at 210 degrees to an internal of 150 degrees (pulled them because the consensus is that smoke doesn't penetrate after 150 degrees), put them in a roasting pan with some pork broth and more seasoning, covered and cook at 300 degrees to an internal of 200 degrees. It was GREAT. To be honest I thought that I had just gotten lucky. Maybe this method merits a little more attention?


Just wanted to let you know that I smoked 75lbs of Pork Butt last night. Used Southern Succor Rub, injected with a very weak pork broth/Southern Succor marinade and smoked with hickory and pecan at 225. Smoked in the smoker to 145-150 degrees, took off the smoker, mopped with Smokin Okies Vinegar Basting Sauce, put them in a roasting pan with more basting sauce and water, covered and baked to 200 degrees. Wrapped and let them rest for 4 hours. Pulled them and I had the moistest, most tender and most subtle flavored pork I have ever eaten. I am not a BBQ restaurant but these sandwiches are selling like hot cakes today. I think that the smoke/oven hybrid method has merit. I am going to continue experimenting to see what optimum times and temps are.


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