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You'll be into the plateau soon and the rapid rise will stop. Could hang there 2-4 hours easily, may even drop a degree or two.

If it does seem to get done too quick, after checking the therm of accuracy (boiling water=212* and a small glass of ice chips=32*), make sure to check the temp in several different places. If the tip is stuck in a pocket of fat, the temp of the meat could be vastly different.

Cooking a 6.5 # butt should take a minimum of 6.5 hours, and two hours+ per # is not unusual.

Make certain you know the 101s on pork butt! Wink

Hope this helps! Big Grin
Last edited by wheelz
If it's your first butt, let it go. It will be in the plateau for some time, and it's now Sat, how'd it come out?

Q'in isn't a recipe of exact duration and temp, etc.

Don't sweat the time, I never recommend monitoring the temp hour by hour, it's really a waste of time, because it's never consistent.

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