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Hi everyone, New guy here. I was hoping for some help on the "pork Butt 101" by smokinokie. This is my first one and it is for superbowl party tommorrow so I need to get it goin. I hafve two 7lbers.
Questions are 1) DO I do a dry seasoning to this or just the vinegar mop only? or both? and it is 15 degrees here so I guess I'm lookin at 2hrs a pound at 225 or go to 250? Confused
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DO I do a dry seasoning to this or just the vinegar mop only? or both?

I would do a dry rub on the butts with no mop. If you want you can add some when you pull the pork. Since this is your first one I would try some with and without the mop to see what you like.

It is 15 degrees here so I guess I'm lookin at 2hrs a pound at 225 or go to 250?

I like to cook at 225 and as Smokin says "Its done when its done" each piece of meat is different. I would alot 2hr a lb to cook but start checking after about 1 and 1/2 hours a lb based on the largest piece and pull at 190-200. They will easily hold for several hours if done early. The cooker is so insulated that after the inital warm up the temp outside should not make much of a difference.

Good luck and remeber it is usually safer and much more fun to experiment first before having to perform for the hungry crowds
Hey KYFLYGUY -- Good luck
I am new too. I did my first pork butt last weekend. I just followed the wise advise of the forum. I will be making pork butt # 2 tomorrow for the superbowl. For my first, I did the dry rub the night before, then a little more rub before I put it in the smoker. Set it for 225 deg with one chunk of wood. I used a Taylor probe - once the temp got to 190 (12 hours later)- I took the butt out, Double wraped it in foil.. let it sit for 30 min. Then pulled. I did not mop it or open the smoker the whole time while it was smoking. It pulled very easy and was a big hit. Ideally the forum says to get the temp to 195 or 200. For the butt I am doing for the superbowl, my goal will be to get the internal temp up to 200. I will also be trying one smokinokies sauces ... the mustard one seems popular..

14 hours at 225 is probably about right. It takes me about 14 hours at 225 for an 8lb butt. Yours are only 7lbs, but you are doing two at the same time so it may increase your time a little. Don't worry about the temp outside, I've been using mine up here in Dayton without any problems. I use a dry rub that I put on 24 hours before I put the meat in the smoker. Sometimes I mop, sometimes I don't.

If you mop I would suggest putting it in a spray bottle. This is easier than brushing it on. This also is quicker than brushing so you don't have the door open as long.
and it takes me about 2hrs+ a little bit /pound. then double wrap in foil and place in a prewarmed cooler and let it set until ready to pull. so plan to finish early enough so you wont have to worry about it not being done. i used to kick the temp up a bit but found that if i just let it keep cookin at 225 it will be done. i take it off at 195 and check the mobility of the bone and it has always been done and great tasting. jan Big Grin
Thanks for the replies! Just checked the remote thermometer and one of the two 7lbers is at 145 degress. Been n for 41/2 hours now. Question is am I counting the total weight in the smoker or each buttn I calculate time? I thoght I would be locking at 7lber x 2=14lbs x 1+1/2hrs time which totals 21hours for these puppies. or is it by just one them?? Confused
Thanks Greyn, I appreciate Y'alls patience breakin in the newby (me). Update, 7-1/2hrs temp in 7lber is 158degrees been there for the last hour+. Guess I'll be pourin a few more Capt. Morgans... Glad the games at 6 soooo I can get in a nap before the company rolls in. Go Patriots!
Best Regards, KYFLYGUY Roll Eyes
well in my opinion, the pork butts came out fine for a newguy-first try. I used apple wood,salt and peppered and used smokin's vinegar mop at beginning and approx 6-7 hrs in and close to the end. Go figure that the larger butt 7.15lber(on lower rack)hit 190 @ 18hrs remote probe in this one, However the 6.6lber was on a higher rack, offset from larger one and did not hit 190 until 21+ hrs. I only opened my door briefly at 6-7 hrs and when the large one hit 190+. The "pulled yield of each was respectively, 3.9 and 2.4lbs. I served the remaing vinegar mop on the side, with other sauces also. Everyone seemed to love it and gave me great feedback. Of coures the best indicator was there wasn't much left. oh yeah and my team won! Thanks Again for everones help and support, Best to all, KYFLYGUY Smiler

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