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Just finished cooking (4) 7lb butts in the 009. Rubbed Friday night with Southern Succor Rub and injected with Chris Lilly's Pork Butt Injection Saturday night. Put in smoker at 4:30 at 225 this morning and pulled at internal temperature 192 at 4:30 this evening. Good bark, juicy and great taste. Had trouble getting them out of smoker because they were falling apart. Cook time was not much different if I was cooking one or two.
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Cooper, you're a better man than I. I can't abide that 4:30 in the AM stuff. I put mine in at 10:00 the night before, set the temp at 200 deg. and get a good night's sleep. The next AM the butts are at about 165. Somewhere mid to late morning when the temperature starts to move off plateau I crank 'er up to 225 and go do something else until they're done at about 195 internal. That'd be about 3:00 in the PM. Take 'em out, double foil, wrap in old towels, put in a dry cooler and hold 'til supper time.
I was up any way, was going hunting. I did forget to mention that the plateau did not happen until 183. Which is not the way the other butts that I have smoked did. Usually they plateau in the 160's. May be someone can explain this one to me. Up to this point I have only done one butt at a time.

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