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Agree with Tom on temp, don't cook it more or it would be better for shoe leather.

Check out this link for recipes:

Pork Loin Recipes

Of course I'm partial to the one I posted:

I like this oriental style because it is a strong flavor to enhance the weak pork flavor.

1 cup soy sauce
1/3 cup sesame oil (yes, this has to be sesame)
6 cloves of garlic, chopped fine (to your taste, more is even better)
1 tablespoon ginger (ground)
Thanks for the help. I ended up using a vairety of methods and came up with a pretty good loin. For the 7 pound 10 oz pork loin I cut slits and stuffed with fresh garlic. I rubbed it with a rib rub bought locally and then soaked it in apple juice over night. Then I cooked it with apple wood in a 225 degree smokette 8 for about 3 hours til it reached an internal temp of 155 degrees.

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