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Mr K

Go to the main Cookshack web page and you will see a drop down for "recipes". Also, under the drop down for "community" is an item called "Smokin Okies Guides". They contain tips and basic prep recipes for many of the typical meats for smoking and are well worth reading. That should get you off to a good start. Ask any other questions in the forum for any fine tuning or if you run into problems. Make sure you have a meat thermometer with a remote probe to put through the vent hole into the meat. For most meats, resist the temptation to open the door to take a peak during the cook, you lose too much heat & moisture. Keep good notes on your cooks on things like type of meat, wood, time, thermostat setting, meat temp, etc. so that you can repeat your successes and can ask specific questions when they come up. Good luck!!!
Lots of help here.

first, is it a Shoulder, a Picnic or a Butt, they are all different (actually the shoulder contains both of picnic and should). It WILL make a difference on your cook.

Look at the main page, there are a couple of sections of note.

The PB101 is a good basic item but I have GOT to update it.

There is a PB archive with lots of info.

Also check the "lessons for new users" at the top of the open forum.

Read through the open forum, there are multiple pages and many posts about PB.

Lots and lots of reading, but we've only been here about 5 years.

SmokinOkie Thanks for the reply I guess im not sure which one I have all ways done alot of ribs but never a pork butt or shoulder. I have some friends that want some pulled pork and they are getting on my case to get it done in the new cs.I will go through some of the useful info on the web sight.

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