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Smokin said.........

"I can't BELIEVE we don't see more "food porn" of the great work going on."

So here is my best attempt to supply him with the porn he needs.

Unfortunately I have a problem. (Honestly, it's never happened to me before!)

I did not manage to get to the end of my porn.
The planning and thinking stage went well, I even managed to do all the food foreplay, but unfortunately when I got near the end, the temptation before us was just too great and we lost all control and selfishly forgot all about the camera.

My friends and I just got stuck in and forgot about Smokin's needs entirely.

Mutual mastication was our only focus.

I apologize to Smokin.
It is very unfair of me to lead him on so far and then leave him with out the ending he deserves, and I call upon others to help him with his current food porn drought.


By Eck Lad


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Looks great!!! In the last picture, the last morsels are swimming in what I refer to as "Brisket Juice". How did you get the "juice" Is it just the drippings after slicing? Do you slice Hot, warm, or cold? I was advised to rest the B, refrigerate it, then slice it thin, while cold, place in a pan and re-heat. My Bs turn out great, moist, tender, NO JUICE! I want the juice. Can you offer suggestions? What am I not doing, or doing wrong?

The "Brisket Juice" that you mention is just ....
60% Good quality beef stock
30% Home made BBQ sauce
10% Juice from the foil after the brisket was rested in cooler.

The above quantities are fairly random, I just used all the juice from the foil and made the rest up as I went along until it tasted good.

My plan was to make up the sauce to keep the brisket moist as I sliced it all at once. Most of the guests ate the brisket it with out sauce as they filled sandwiches as fast as I could carve it! When the line slowed I filled the brisket sauce bath with the rest of the meat.

Some preferred the meat without sauce, others with. It was certainly moist enough without.

I think others would be better able to answer your request for suggestions than I, as this was only my 2nd brisket ever.
It did taste better than my 1st try though, and I expect it not to taste as good as my 3rd........

By Eck Lad

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